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TIBodywork method
"Health is a puzzle and the pieces are dietary, physical and mental education"

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Introduction and scientific basis
Scientific methodology for maximally effective prevention and treatment for today’s human beings

Lifestyle and environment have already undergone and continue to produce radical changes. Consequently, this results in a need for applicable and specific treatments and wellness. Our food, habitat, type of work, and stress all result in profound physical and mental changes. Human beings are animals defined by their motor skills, which have evolved and have been selected to be great walkers and good climbers. But today, we normally live on artificial surfaces (flat ground, chairs, desks), which are all unfavorable bio-mechanically and physiologically.
More than ¼ of the central nervous system structure directly participates and more than half indirectly participates in the planning and execution of the body’s movements. Therefore, human beings, with their 659 muscles and 206 bones, are animals defined by their motor abilities. Starting in the embryonic phase, motor function is at the origin of cognitive activity, including language. Losing control of one’s body means losing control of one’s thoughts and emotions.
In essence, this artificial environment has proven to be another form of environmental pollution (in addition to atmospheric, sound, and visual pollution, etc) and results in inevitable physical and mental problems. This includes, starting with our first steps, postural alterations (function precedes and shapes our structure) and entails a loss of motor and proprioceptive skills with time. In addition to this, our instincts always react to stressful situations by preparing our “flight or fight” response and by carrying out the related physiological changes. If this stress protracts over the long-term (chronic stress), it can create serious mental and physical disturbances (including genetic alterations).
Functions of the connective system: posture maintenance, organ connection and protection, acid-base equilibrium, metabolism, water and mineral salt content, osmotic and electrical equilibrium, blood circulation, nerve conduction, proprioception, motor coordination, barrier against invasion of bacteria and inert particles, immune function, inflammatory processes, repair and filling to damaged areas, energy (lipids), water, and electrolyte reserves, reserves of about 1/3 of total plasma proteins, cell migration, intercellular and extracellular communication, etc.
Complete mind-body integration has been demonstrated conclusively by psychoneuro-endocrine immunology while the recent discoveries about the connective system and its primary importance in overall organic physiology have created a need for an expansion in psycho-neuro-endocrine-connective-immunology and an increased importance placed on treatments and therapies that are able to act on the connective system (such as massages and exercise). Last, but certainly not least, dietary changes and the air that we breathe must also be considered. One must remember that diet can also influence us, including our genetic code (as shown by epigenetics).
Therefore, thinking that an effective approach could be the use of methods that were created for people who lived hundreds of years ago, with physical characteristics (posture) and habits that are very different from today’s, is a mere illusion. Instead, what is needed are techniques that make use of ancient wisdom, but which also are able to simultaneously integrate modern scientific discoveries, evolving to best adapt to the needs of people both today and in the future. Furthermore, these methods must be complete and integrated, meaning that they have to act on muscles, joints, the connective system, and the mind, and must be accompanied by an improvement in dietary and postural habits. In other words, what is needed is true and complete bodywork. Only in this way can maximum effectiveness of therapy and wellbeing be achieved.

TIBodywork is a training/treatment program designed by Dr. Giovanni Chetta, which involves bodywork that takes the various influences on the body into consideration based on psychoneuro-endocrine-connective-immunology (PNECI) in a context of prevention, treatment, and performance (sports-related). The following techniques and disciplines are integrated into the TIBodywork program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB, anatomy, physiology, posturology, ergonomics, stress and neuro-associative conditionings handling techniques (mental education), dietary (food) education.
TIBodywork is constantly evolving together with the rapid transformations of modern society and is updated based on the most recent scientific knowledge, without forgetting the valuable and important wisdom from the past. The objective remains achieving maximum efficiency, meaning the search for outstanding results in terms of prevention, treatment, and performance (competition).



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updated 08/02/2011
TIBodywork Institute srl - Dr. Giovanni Chetta - www.tibodywork.org - www.giovannichetta.it - info@giovannichetta.it
I-20862 Arcore (Monza e Brianza) - via Casati 201, Italy, tel +39 0396014575
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